Summer Spectac-Yeller (July 9, 2011)

Burlington,   KY
Posted on: 07/09/11

Number of Judges in Circuit: 4


JULY 9, 2011 - 31 HORSES - 165 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Donald Lee Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
3rd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary/susan K Mangus Hickory, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Yearling Geldings - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd I Dig It Like Daddy Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Geldings All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
3rd Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
4th And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Color All Ages - 11 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
4th Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
5th Mws Last Of Her Kind Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Allage Mares Hunterinhan - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Last Of Her Kind Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Hunterinhand Geldings - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
2nd Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Jr Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lots Of Bling Betty C Miller Owenton, KY
2nd Dontskip The Impulse Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
3rd Dress Western Gold Tom/bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Sr Western Pleasure - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
3rd Playboys Justice Ashley S Griffin Owenton, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Western Parade Equipment - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Sr Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Yearling Longe Line - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Hot Tin Lizzy Robert L/joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Jr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Road Hack All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Erica L Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Thomas Patrick Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
2nd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
3rd Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Y Hunter In Hand Mares - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - Y Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Thomas Patrick Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
2nd Flashy Iron N Creme Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Mares All Ages - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Seth E Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
3rd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Jr Geldings - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
2nd If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
3rd I Dig It Like Daddy Teal Schultz Florence, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Sr Geldings - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Color - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
4th And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Western Horsemanship - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Jeffrey "jeff" Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
3rd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Road Hack - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Jeffrey "jeff" Ohler Versailles, KY
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A Showmanship - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
3rd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
4th Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
DENISE L LONG FARSON - A 50+ Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY


JULY 9, 2011 - 31 HORSES - 165 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
BILL E PITTENGER - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
2nd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
3rd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary/susan K Mangus Hickory, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Yearling Geldings - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
3rd , KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Geldings All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
3rd Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
4th And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Color All Ages - 11 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
2nd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
3rd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary/susan K Mangus Hickory, KY
4th And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
5th Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
BILL E PITTENGER - Allage Mares Hunterinhan - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Mws Last Of Her Kind Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - Hunterinhand Geldings - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Jr Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Tom/bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Lots Of Bling Betty C Miller Owenton, KY
3rd Dontskip The Impulse Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
BILL E PITTENGER - Sr Western Pleasure - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Playboys Justice Ashley S Griffin Owenton, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Western Parade Equipment - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Sr Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd , KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Yearling Longe Line - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Hot Tin Lizzy Robert L/joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
BILL E PITTENGER - Jr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
BILL E PITTENGER - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Road Hack All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Erica L Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
2nd Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
3rd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - Y Hunter In Hand Mares - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - Y Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
2nd Flashy Iron N Creme Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
BILL E PITTENGER - A Mares All Ages - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Seth E Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
3rd Invest In Bling Linda W Mitchell Taylorville, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Jr Geldings - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Sr Geldings - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Color - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
2nd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
4th Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
BILL E PITTENGER - A Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Western Horsemanship - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Jeffrey "jeff" Ohler Versailles, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Road Hack - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
3rd , KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
3rd Lets Play Chicken Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
BILL E PITTENGER - A Showmanship - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
4th Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BILL E PITTENGER - A 50+ Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
2nd Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL


JULY 9, 2011 - 31 HORSES - 165 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
BENNIE T SARGENT - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Donald Lee Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
3rd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
BENNIE T SARGENT - Yearling Geldings - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Geldings All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
4th Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
BENNIE T SARGENT - Color All Ages - 11 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
3rd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary/susan K Mangus Hickory, KY
4th Playboys Justice Ashley S Griffin Owenton, KY
5th Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
BENNIE T SARGENT - Allage Mares Hunterinhan - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Mws Last Of Her Kind Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - Hunterinhand Geldings - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
3rd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
BENNIE T SARGENT - Jr Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Tom/bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Lots Of Bling Betty C Miller Owenton, KY
3rd Lets Play Chicken Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
BENNIE T SARGENT - Sr Western Pleasure - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Western Parade Equipment - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Sr Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Yearling Longe Line - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Hot Tin Lizzy Robert L/joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
BENNIE T SARGENT - Jr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
BENNIE T SARGENT - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Road Hack All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Erica L Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
3rd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
BENNIE T SARGENT - Y Hunter In Hand Mares - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - Y Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
2nd Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Mares All Ages - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
2nd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
3rd Lilly Style Seth E Chichester Lowell, OH
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Jr Geldings - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Sr Geldings - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Color - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
3rd Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
4th Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Western Horsemanship - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Hes Guaranteed Gold Jeffrey "jeff" Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Road Hack - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Lets Play Chicken Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
3rd Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - A Showmanship - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
3rd Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
4th Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
BENNIE T SARGENT - A 50+ Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
2nd Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY


JULY 9, 2011 - 31 HORSES - 165 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
2nd Lilly Style Donald Lee Chichester Lowell, OH
3rd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Yearling Geldings - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Geldings All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
4th Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Color All Ages - 11 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imprimis N Missie Judith Ann Gorius Newark, OH
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha Hoff/julia Gottschalk N Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
4th Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary/susan K Mangus Hickory, KY
5th Playboys Justice Ashley S Griffin Owenton, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Allage Mares Hunterinhan - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Mws Last Of Her Kind Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Hunterinhand Geldings - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J/david J Kutz Palos Park, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Jr Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Tom/bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Lots Of Bling Betty C Miller Owenton, KY
3rd Dontskip The Impulse Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Sr Western Pleasure - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Playboys Justice Ashley S Griffin Owenton, KY
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Western Parade Equipment - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Sr Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Hes Guaranteed Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Yearling Longe Line - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Flash Me A Gold Chip Melonie R Furnish Middletown, IN
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Jr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Chance To Impressum Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Road Hack All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Vicki L Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
3rd Jaguars Last Stand Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Erica L Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
3rd Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Doubley Rapped Julia A Gottschalk Roselle Park, NJ
2nd Ima Flashy Encounter Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
3rd Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Y Hunter In Hand Mares - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Last Of Her Kind Helen Baker Oak Park, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - Y Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Sydney M Budke Batavia, OH
2nd Mws Flashn My Sevens Rhiannon Katherine Komperda Oak Lawn, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Mares All Ages - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Lilly Style Seth E Chichester Lowell, OH
2nd Ima Legendary Doll Lisa E Mcdonald Frazeysburg, OH
3rd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Jr Geldings - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st If Only I Was Reddy Beverly J "bev" Armstrong Laura, OH
2nd Bring Yourown Bottle Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd Lucky Yella Ducky Crystal Metten Louisville, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Sr Geldings - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Golden Gansta Nancy Ayers-sallows Adrian, MI
2nd Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Color - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Doubley Rapped Martha K Hoff North Brunswick, NJ
2nd Impressa Skippa 410 W Gary Mangus Hickory, KY
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
4th Ima Flashy Encounter Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Hunter In Hand Gelding - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Western Horsemanship - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
2nd Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
3rd Hes Guaranteed Gold Jeffrey "jeff" Ohler Versailles, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn Lady Luck Joan Susan School Lodi, OH
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Chance To Impressum Molly E Ferguson Nicholasville, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Road Hack - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Imacoolflashyzipper Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
2nd Jaguars Last Stand Sara D Ferguson Union, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Western Pleasure - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Dress Western Gold Bobbi Stewart Scottsburg, IN
2nd Lets Play Chicken Angela Lynn Coffman Columbus, IN
3rd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A Showmanship - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd And Hes Gold Sharon Lynn Ohler Versailles, KY
3rd Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
4th Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL
MARY ANN FIELITZ - A 50+ Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Mws Flashn My Sevens Diane J Kutz Palos Park, IL
2nd Jc Watch Jo Skippa Joyce A Leckron Indianapolis, IN
3rd Little Yellow Cash Mary Jo Schultz Rockton, IL