This year our world show is in a new community. The Springfield area has worked hard to welcome us and your Amateur Board thought it appropriate to give back to the community. The Amateur Board looked into different groups that reached into the community to help all those that are struggling. We have organized a food and clothing drive and are asking that you bring at least one item on the list with you to the world show. If you are not coming to the world show, give it to any amateur board member and they will bring it for you. We have provided a list of those items for which there is the most need. Help us leave a positive impression on this community and let them know what kind and generous members PHBA can claim.
Non-perishable food items:
Peanut Butter and /or Jelly
Canned Vegetables – preferably low sodium
Canned Fruits – preferably in its own juice
Pasta and Pasta Sauce
Cereal/Oatmeal/Granola Bars
Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Chili or canned meats
Rice/Dried Beans/ Pork & Beans
Prepared dry pasta/rice mixes/skillet dinners (Rice-a-Roni, Knorr’s, Hamburger Helper, etc.)
Soap and deodorant, Feminine Hygiene Products, Toilet Paper
Toothpaste/toothbrushes, Shampoo & Conditioner
New Socks, gently used clothing, coats,