5001. This is a program designed to encourage less experienced members within a given class with the opportunity to exhibit with members of a similar experience range in that given class.
5002. Novice Amateur Eligibility. A person is considered eligible to show as a Novice Amateur exhibitor in Novice Amateur classes when: s/he is ineligible to show in PHBA youth classes; has not ever held a judge’s card in PHBA, AQHA or any other recognized breed or color association and meets the criteria set forth in this Rule 5002 A through G. Once an exhibitor has met the foregoing criteria then that exhibitor’s Novice Amateur eligibility shall be determined on a class by class basis.
A) The exhibitor cannot have earned a total of one hundred (100) or more lifetime performance points in any PHBA class in which that exhibitor seeks to show as a novice amateur. This one hundred point threshold is regardless of division (open, amateur, novice amateur, amateur select, novice youth or youth (13 and under or 14 to 18 excluding any walk trot division) in a class. (Example: 21 points in open western pleasure, plus 25 points in novice amateur western pleasure plus 27 points in amateur select western pleasure plus 27 points in amateur western pleasure would render the exhibitor ineligible to show Novice Amateur in novice amateur western pleasure)
1) Halter, color, longe line, hunter in hand, and parade points are not used in calculating Novice Amateur eligibility. However points earned in amateur year end high point awards and in calculating the novice amateur top ten exhibitor lists provided that the exhibitor has earned at least 50 performance points in a class designated as novice amateur. Points earned in color halter and longe line may be used in calculating high point awards at APA shows.
B) An exhibitor is ineligible to show in or receive points as a novice amateur in a class in which the exhibitor has won a World Champion title in a PHBA performance class in any division except walk trot.
C) An exhibitor is ineligible to show in or receive points as a novice amateur in a class in which the exhibitor has won a World Champion title in any other equine organization’s performance class in any division except walk trot.
D) An exhibitor cannot have earned more than 25 points in any other equine organization’s performance class, regardless of levels, classifications of points or divisions, to be considered a Novice Amateur in that same PHBA class.
E) An exhibitor cannot have earned more than $5000 in cash awards resulting from a performance class in PHBA or other equine organization. For purposes of this rule, monies earned as a result of the Palomino Incentive Fund shall not count towards this $5000 limitation.
F) An exhibitor may not have received monetary compensation for training an equine activity and be eligible for a Novice Amateur designation.
G) This Rule is effective as of January 1, 2017. All points previously earned by any exhibitor in any performance class prior to January 1, 2017 shall count towards his/her Novice Amateur eligibility.
5003. Every person seeking this designation must do so on a yearly basis in writing by asking in writing that PHBA issue him/her a Novice Amateur Letter. The exhibitor, in his/her written request must specify to the PHBA office, the classes for which the Novice Amateur designation is sought. It shall be the primary responsibility of the member to only apply for the Novice Amateur designation for a given class where the Member meets the criteria set forth herein. If the member seeks the Novice Amateur designation for any given class and knowingly does not qualify for such designation under Rule 5002, that Member may be disciplined in accordance with PHBA Rules and shall be stripped of any awards, titles or points the Member wrongfully received. Upon application for the Novice Amateur designation, the PHBA office shall issue a written Novice Amateur Letter to the Member containing the list of classes that the applying member is eligible to show as a Novice Amateur. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to carry and to present this letter at the time any Novice Amateur class entries are made. Any exhibitor who is a novice in ALL novice classes offered does not need to obtain a Novice Amateur Letter but that members membership card must reflect the novice amateur status.
Receipt of a Novice Amateur Letter does not obligate a member to show in the novice amateur division.
5004. Amateurs who are eligible for this Novice Amateur Letter and apply for the Novice Amateur Letter shall, along with the written application for the Novice Amateur Letter pay a $25.00 fee to PHBA.
5005. The Novice Amateur Letter must be presented at each and every PHBA (or affiliate) show, including the World Show along with the member’s current membership card whenever the exhibitor wishes to exhibit in a Novice Amateur class. Without the Novice Amateur Letter verifying the exhibitors’ eligibility to show in Novice Amateur classes, the show secretary has the right to decline the entry unless that status can be otherwise verified by the show management.
5006. Novice Amateurs are eligible to exhibit in Amateur and Amateur Select or Open division classes and still be eligible to show in Novice Amateur classes provided that all points in all divisions in that class do not exceed 100 points except as provided in Rule 5008. (Example: 30 points in novice amateur western pleasure plus 35 points in amateur select western pleasure and 35 points in amateur western pleasure would render the Exhibitor ineligible to show Novice Amateur in novice amateur western pleasure only). Exhibiting in the Amateur Walk Trot program shall not have any effect on a member’s eligibility for a Novice Amateur Letter however an exhibitor may not show in both Novice Amateur classes and Amateur Walk Trot classes at the same show per the Amateur Walk Trot Rules.
5007. Ownership. See PHBA Amateur Program Rule 5205.
5008. Once a Novice Amateur has earned 100 points in a given Novice Amateur class, that exhibitor is no longer eligible to show in that class in subsequent years as a Novice Amateur. However, if a Novice Amateur designation is received in a show year that Novice Amateur Exhibitor may show that entire year as a Novice Amateur in that class as delineated in the Novice Amateur Letter regardless of the number of Novice Amateur points earned in that year in that class.
5009. If Novice Amateur classes are applied for, then the corresponding PHBA Amateur classes must also be offered.
5010. Novice Amateur classes must be held prior to the corresponding Amateur class.
5011. Novice Amateur classes shall be judged by the corresponding Amateur rules.
5012. Stallions may not be exhibited in Novice Amateur classes.
5013. At show management’s option, any number of amateur performance classes may be offered as Amateur Select or Novice Amateur. EXCEPTION: jumping and team penning may only be offered as Amateur All Ages.
Application for Novice Amateur Credentials
5100. All Amateur Rules regarding eligibility and ownership apply to this program.
5101. The exhibitor may either show in this division or in one of the other amateur programs at the same show. The exhibitor may not show in both the walk/trot division and a division that requires a lope/canter at the same show. EXCEPTION: a walk/trot exhibitor may show in halter, color, hunter in hand, longe line, parade and driving.
5102. The horse(s) shown in the Amateur Walk Trot Division may be used in other divisions as permitted.
5103. Amateur W/T Showmanship at Halter. To be judged in the same manner as Amateur Showmanship at Halter. Pattern must be a walk only pattern. See Rule(s) 6201-6208.
5104. Amateur W/T Western Pleasure. To be judged the same as Amateur Western Pleasure, omitting the lope. See Rule(s) 3511-3523.
5105. Amateur W/T Western Horsemanship. To be judged the same as Amateur Western Horsemanship, omitting the lope. Exhibitors shall not be asked to drop stirrups. See Rule(s) 6251-6259.
5106. Amateur W/T Hunter Under Saddle. To be judged the same as Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, omitting the canter and hand gallop. See Rule(s) 3426-3427. It is required that the exhibitor wears appropriate protective headgear with chin strap under chin.
5107. Amateur W/T Hunt Seat Equitation. To be judged the same as Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation, omitting the canter, hand gallop, and riding without irons. See Rule(s) 6231-6242. It is required that the exhibitor wears appropriate protective headgear with chin strap under chin.
5108. Amateur W/T Trail. To be judged the same as Amateur Trail omitting the lope. See Rule(s) 3571-3597.
5109. PHBA points, refer to rules 3111-3114.
5110. These classes will be eligible for year end awards, ROM and Superior Awards; however, these classes will not and cannot count for any other PHBA Awards or the Palomino Incentive (Fund) Program payout. Amateur Walk Trot
ROM’s shall not make a horse eligible for Amateur Performance Halter.
5201. Amateur Eligibility. A person is considered an amateur exhibitor by PHBA when s/he is no longer eligible to show in PHBA youth activity classes and meets all the following qualifications for the previous three (3) calendar years:
A) Is a person who has not shown, judged, trained, or assisted in training a horse for remuneration, either directly or indirectly;
B) Is a person who has not received compensation for instructing another person in riding, driving, training, or showing a horse in competition. Unless the person being instructed is part of a NARHA center; North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, and the instructor/teacher is a NARHA registered instructor. Premium money is not considered remuneration. Payment of entry fees or other expenses by any person other than the amateur or those persons found in Rule(s) 5205 is to be considered remuneration;
C) Is a person who has not held hold membership accreditation with the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, Women’s Professional Rodeo Association, and International Professional Rodeo Association for those events or classes which are the same events or classes the individual competes, or desires to compete, in AQHA amateur competition. For example, a person who competes in a PRCA roping event may not compete in amateur calf roping, dally team roping (heading or heeling) but may show in any other amateur classes. A permit holder is not considered as one who has membership accreditation in a professional organization and may compete in any PHBA Amateur class;
D) Any horse show judge is ineligible.
E) Is a person who has not (nor during the period of amateur status may not) shown, trained or assisted in the training of a horse for which a spouse accepts remuneration, monetary or otherwise, either directly or indirectly, for such services.
5202. PHBA Amateur Membership Card. Contestants in amateur classes must possess a PHBA Amateur Membership Card issued by PHBA.
A) Show management must inspect the PHBA Amateur Membership card at any show entered;
B) Application for a PHBA Amateur Membership Card shall be made on a form provided by PHBA and submitted with the appropriate PHBA and PHBA-A membership fees;
C) All applications for PHBA-Amateur Membership Cards and all requests for renewal thereof shall be presented annually to PHBA for approval;
D) Renewal of a PHBA-Amateur Membership Card can be done by attesting that the amateur status has not changed since the original application.
5203. Termination of PHBA Amateur Membership Card. The PHBA Amateur Membership Card will be immediately surrendered upon request by PHBA, pending a hearing on the revocation decision before the appropriate committee. PHBA shall follow the PHBA General Rules Disciplinary Procedure.
5204. When an individual becomes ineligible for amateur status, s/he will promptly return the PHBA Amateur Membership Card to PHBA.
5205. Ownership of Horse. Any horse exhibited in Amateur, Amateur Select or Novice Amateur events must be solely owned by the amateur or in a legal entity solely owned by the amateur showing the horse or by the amateur’s family. Family includes spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparents, grandparent’s siblings, step-grandparent, grandchild, step-parent, sibling, half-sibling, stepsibling, spouse’s parent, spouse’s step-parent, sibling’s spouse, half-sibling’s spouse, step-sibling’s spouse, sibling’s child, sibling’s step-child, half-sibling’s child, half-sibling’s step-child, step-sibling’s child, step-sibling’s step-child, parent’s sibling, parent’s half-sibling, parent’s step-sibling, parent’s sibling’s child, parent’s sibling’s stepchild, parent’s half sibling’s child, parent’s half sibling’s stepchild, parent’s step sibling child, parent’s step sibling’s stepchild, legal ward or legal guardian. Persons whose relationship is legally recognized as a domestic partnership or civil union under the laws of the jurisdiction in which they sought such relationship are considered immediate family. Separate legal entities, such as family corporations, trusts or partnerships, are also authorized owners of the amateur exhibitor’s horse so long as all legal and equitable owners and beneficiaries of the legal entity are individuals specifically authorized by this rule.
A) The owner(s) of the horse on the PHBA registration certificate must be the same as the owners recorded on the recognized breed association registration certificate or the list of family found in Rule(s) 5205;
B) Leases. Horses under lease to, but not owned by, the contestant or his/her immediate family members (as defined in PHBA rules) are eligible for amateur events.
1) The horse must be leased for at least a period of one year and the lease must be to an individual only.
2) The lease must be recorded with PHBA on a Showing Lease form and submitted to PHBA prior to exhibiting the horse.
3) The lessee must be responsible for all expenses relating to the horse.
4) Only one lease covering a horse will be recognized at a time;
C) Ranch/Farm/Corporate Owned Horse. Horses registered in the name of a ranch, farm or corporation are not eligible for amateur events;
D) Partnership Horses. Horses owned in partnership or owned jointly with any person other than family members previously listed in Rule(s) 5205 are not eligible for amateur events;
E) Separate legal entities, such as family corporations, trusts, or partnerships, are also authorized owners of the amateur exhibitor’s horse so long as all legal and equitable owners and beneficiaries of the legal entity are individuals specifically authorized by this rule. The relationship of the amateur to the owner of the participating horse must be evidenced by submitting legal documentation (i.e. affidavits, copies of marriage and/or birth certificates) to PHBA.
5206. Exhibiting Stallions. Stallions, mares, or geldings may be exhibited in Amateur classes. However stallions may not be exhibited in any Novice Amateur classes.
5207. Exhibiting Multiple Horses. An amateur may not show more than one (1) horse in any class; however, in individual working events, an amateur may show three (3) horses. EXCEPTION: Showmanship; and were it prohibits such as longe line.
5208. Combining Divisions. Similar classes in different divisions may not be combined. Exception: Color class refer to Rule(s) 3371-3373.
5209. Class Specifications. Amateur classes will be judged according to the rules of the corresponding youth classes, if not specifically described. If no youth rules are written for the class, open class rules apply.
5210. At show management’s option, any number of amateur performance classes may be offered as Amateur, Amateur Select or Novice Amateur. EXCEPTION: jumping and team penning may only be offered as Amateur All Ages.
5314. At show management’s option, any number of amateur performance classes may be offered as Amateur Select (ages 50 and over).
A. EXCEPTION: Jumping and team penning may only be offered as Amateur All Age classes;
B. The amateur which meets the age and Amateur Program eligibility requirements, may exhibit in both Amateur and Amateur Select classes;
C. The novice amateur exhibitor, which meets the age and Novice Amateur Program eligibility requirements, may exhibit in Amateur, Amateur Select and Novice Amateur classes;
D. The same horse may be exhibited by the same amateur or novice amateur exhibitor in Amateur, Amateur Select and Novice Amateur classes provided the ownership requirement found in Rule(s) 5202 is met;
E. An amateur may show in the Amateur Select classes on the day they turn 50 years of age.
5315. These classes will be eligible for Amateur Select Honor Roll certificates;
A. However, these classes cannot be counted for any other PHBA Amateur Awards;
B. PHBA points will be awarded as outlined in Rule(s) 3111-3114.
5316. The show management has the option to combine these classes back to all age amateur classes should there be less than three entries in the Amateur Select classes.