The members of the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation had some very busy workdays on November 28th, 29th and 30th. The actual museum areas are almost finished and are ready for the placement of displays. What is left do do consists of a few small finishing touches to the display cases, the hallway floor and some other odds and ends. Thank you Lynn and Floyd Branson, Ginny and Les Baskerville and Carolyn Henderson. Another big thank you goes to Helen Fleming for her donation of two more display cases and to Les and Ginny for hauling them from Tupelo to Tulsa. After this group put in some long hours for three days, Ginny and Les put in another four days finishing up what was left to do. We had a great time working and eating. Thanks to Carolyn and Ginny, there were home made lunches each day for the group and staff to enjoy. Thanks also to the PHBA staff, Teri, Shirley and Jan, for letting us disrupt their workdays with our “needs” as well as to Bill Miller, who came over and gave us a helping hand.
Your Heritage Foundation board members who live in Oklahoma will be stopping by and continuing the work on the displays during the months until March as they have time. The next formal work days will be Thursday through Saturday, January 24th to the 27th. Readying and placing displays will be the main goals to be accomplished during that time. There will be designated areas for open, youth and amateur PHBA associations, as well as the other various programs instituted by PHBA.
The PHBHF will be holding an open house on March 14th in conjunction with the PHBA Convention. Transportation will be made available to and from the museum site for those not wishing to find their own way to the PHBA offices. There will be a complimentary function that evening to celebrate the opening of the museum area. Light refreshments will be provided and a cash bar will be available along with some musical entertainment for your listening and dancing pleasure. Please join us in celebrating the preservation of some very important history.
As always, we keep needing your support. The hard work of the Foundation will begin in earnest after the open house. This will be the preservation of records such as registration applications, photos, printed material, programs and memorabilia, among other historically significant items to safeguard. There will be some serious cost to do this, so we will be ever so grateful if you can help with this venture. The PHBHF has 501 (c) (3) status for tax purposes; please consult with your tax accountant for what is appropriate for your tax structure. Your donation will be acknowledged in the museum and on the website in whatever way you wish, whether it is in your name, in honor of someone or in memory of someone. If you have questions, please call one of the PHBHF board and we will get you an answer. A special thank you to all of you who have donated towards the preservation efforts of the PHBHF. It means so very much to all of us who love the palomino horse and the people associated with these beautiful and talented horses.
Take care, stay safe.
Alda Buresh, PHBHF President