On May 5th and 6th, the Palomino Horse Breeders Heritage Foundation (PHBHF) Board, several members of the PHBA Executive Board and friends finished cleaning, clearing out and organizing the back spaces of the building. This had to be done so that plans for the remodeling of the middle section of the building to house the museum could begin. Needless to say, this was a Herculean task which took two long working days in order to get everything done. Our helping crew were Ginny and Les Baskerville, Lynn and Floyd Branson, Carolyn Henderson, Bill Miller, Terry Goble, Melonie Furnish, Karen Andrews, Louie Hufnagel and Alda Buresh. There are not enough words in the English language to thank them for the “sweat equity” that was put into this phase of the master plan.
The Foundation board of directors held a meeting in conjunction with all this work. Bill Miller resigned from the Foundation, since he was appointed to the PHBA Executive Board and can’t wear both “hats”. He has put in literally hundreds of hours helping the Foundation get off the ground and has helped with everything from doing the paperwork to some pretty hard labor in the clearing and cleaning out the back building spaces. It was decided that the contributors to the Foundation would be recognized at the World Show by displaying the donor plaque. Carolyn Henderson and Lynn Branson were added to the Board as was Lester Baskerville, who will be taking over the secretary/treasurer’s position to finish out Bill Miller’s term. New donor forms will be created.
As of now, the cost of remodeling, getting display cases and all that goes along with making the museum happen are being put down on paper so that a budget can be prepared and work on remodeling can begin as soon as possible. The Foundation certainly will need more money in order to do a good job with this project. We hope that our continued work, will make those of you who have waited to contribute, write out a check or donate via credit card. Again, not one cent has been spent of Foundation money for any of the board’s personal expenses. We are serious about preserving the history of PHBA and hope that those of you who can, will help us. Once the museum portion is up and going, the preservation of photos and other memorabilia will be paramount. If we lose these priceless items, they cannot be replaced. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me or any of the other board members.
Here is hoping that we see many of you at the PHBA World Show in July. Take care, stay safe. Alda