Do you know a PHBA Youth National Director wanting to become a part of the Youth Executive Board?
The Youth Board of National Directors shall elect at their annual meeting from the PHBA Youth National Directors the following officers: President-Elect, two (2) Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, Treasurer and Reporter. Additionally, the President will appoint three (3) members. Each appointee must be from a different state and APA.
Candidates Requirements. Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Two (2) members per APA or APA-Y may serve as a youth officer;
- President, President-Elect, Vice-Presidents and Secretary must be from the 14-18 age group;
- The President-Elect must have served on the PHBA-Y Executive Board the year immediately preceding election to office;
- The presidency shall not be held consecutive years by the same APA or APA-Y;
- National Youth Directors may serve no more than one (1) year as President;
- The Treasurer and Reporter may be from either age group;
- Candidates should be duly qualified to fill the duties of the respective office as prescribed elsewhere in these By-Laws.
The National Youth Meeting will be held Saturday, July 14 at 3 PM in Tunica, MS.
Any youth national director interested in a position on the board must return completed application by 7/12/2018 to: PHBA Youth Officer Application, Attention: Terri Green, 15253 E Skelly Dr, Tulsa, OK 74116-2637 or via email to: PHBA Youth Officer Application in the subject line.
2018 Youth Board Application must be received by 7/12/2018 in order to be considered.