Amateur Presidents Message

August 2018

Greetings PHBA Amateurs Members

It is a midway point in the Amateur Board year and therefore it is time to take a moment and reflect on the last six months particularly in light of the completion of our 2018 Palomino World Show.  Our amateurs were well represented across all divisions at the world show.   For those that attended, participated or watched on line, we hope you enjoyed yourself.  The world show, like the convention provides a great opportunity to meet one another, support one another and share ideas. {MORE}

Amateur Presidents Message

Carmen O’Donnell, PHBA-A 2024-2025

The 2024 PHBA World Show is in the books.  A lot of hard work, fun and friendship was had by all. I want to thank all the amateur class sponsors for your support.  We could not do what we do without you.

We now look forward to the fall shows. From New Mexico to Mississippi, to Iowa and Texas, the APA’s are working hard to make these events special for your enjoyment.  As most of you know, beginning the first of this year one must earn a total of twenty-five (25) points in each class to get a year-end award at the convention. They need our support to continue having these events for us to attend.

Most of us know that Mrs. Terri Guthrie has submitted her resignation.  She will be greatly missed and we wish her all the happiness in her future life.  The Executive Board is working hard to simplify the transition so further updates will be coming out of the office as they occur so stay tuned.

The 2025 PHBA National Convention is going to be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma from March 5 – 9.  The location is the Marriott Southern Hills.

Rule change proposals need to be submitted to the office by the November deadline.  While considering any proposal you need to look at the short term and the long term consequences if approved.  Please fill out the appropriate form found on our website.  The proposal will be directed to the appropriate committee/s at the convention for review and consideration. If approved by the committee/s, it will then be presented, with the committees’ recommendation, to the Board of Directors at the general membership meeting on Saturday.  If, approved there, it will then be forwarded to the Executive Board for final consideration.  If the Executive Board, after much consideration, feels the change will be beneficial and approves it, the rule would go into effect the 1st of January of the next year.  It would be beneficial if the author of the rule change could attend the committee meeting to explain their proposal.

As we get into the fall season, winter is not far behind.  The holidays are coming up fast.  Some will be on the road to shows and others to visit family.  Safe travels to one and all for you are family too.

Once reviewed in the appropriate committee, if approved, will be forwarded to the Board of Directors Meeting for voting.  If approved, will go to the Executive Board for final approval and implementation.

Once approved by the Executive Board the rule change will be effective in January of 2026.  I would recommend the person submitting the rule change be present at the committee meeting to answer any questions regarding the proposal.

The holiday season is not that far off. Many will be celebrating at home but for those traveling, safe travels.  Enjoy your time with friends and families. And take a moment to offer a prayer for our military overseas who stand watch far from home.