Rule Change Proposals to be considered at the 2020 National Convention.
PHBA Rule 26. Proposed Rule Changes. Proposed rule changes must be submitted in writing to PHBA one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Board of Directors meeting for publication in Palomino Horses Magazine and/or the PHBA website in order to be acted upon at that meeting.
The president will assign proposed rule changes to specific committees for their recommendations. Some committees may be asked to review a proposed rule change and report their recommendations to another committee that ultimately reports to the Board of Directors. Committee Chairs will need to coordinate that input. Committees are free to discuss other proposed rule changes but the assigned committee’s recommendation is that which will be used during voting at the Board of Directors Meeting.
By-Laws and General Rules
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation
By-Laws -Article 7 Section 4, Article 8 Section 9 and Article 8 Section 9 A
Rule 1034, 1035, 1036 and 1037
Per PHBA Rule 28; all rule change proposals will be reviewed by the By-laws and General Rules Committee
Amateur Association
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation
Amateur Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation to Show Rule Committee Only
Rule 3601
Rule 5101
Rule 5103
Rule 5111
Rule 5207
Judges Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation
Palomino Bred Ad HOC Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation to Registration and Transfer and Breeders Committee Only
Rule 551 A or 554 C
Registration & Transfer & Breeders Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation
Rules regarding Geldings and Spayed Mares (Cowie)
Rules regarding Geldings and Spayed Mares (Parker)
Show Rules Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation
Youth Committee
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation to Show Rules Committee Only
Rule 3601
Rule 6009
Working Horse and Ranch Versatility
Review the following proposed rule changes and report recommendation to Show Rules Committee Only
Rule 3601
World Show Advisory Committee
Review the following suggestions (these are not rule changes)
The following rules proposals were postponed definitely by the appropriate Committees and National Directors at the 2019 Convention and will automatically come up for discussion at the 2020 National Convention.
Postponed Rule Change Proposals