In view of the National Emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of most gatherings in many states, the PHBA EB offers the following assistance to those APAs affected.
If your APA must cancel a show to be held during the duration of the National Emergency, you may request that the associated show approval fees paid be credited towards your next show approval application. This credit may be applied to any new or rescheduled show approval application for a show to be held no later than December 31, 2021. To use this offer, please send an email or other written notice to Terri Green at the PHBA Office with the cancelled show information. If you know the new show date, please include that information so the credit is matched to your new application when received. If you do not know the new date, be sure to follow all show application rules (PHBA Rules 3001-3045) for the new application, noting the pending credit as payment. NOTE: This offer is only in effect while the COVID-19 National Emergency is in effect.