History of PHBA
The modern day Palomino Horse has a legacy to follow and a promise to fulfill. This golden horse, who was the choice of ancient emperors, kings and queens, the beloved steed in Greek mythology, the subject of artists’ canvas, the pride of Queen Isabella’s Spanish court, the treasured mount of ancient tribes and companion of the Conquistadors, is still with us today. He was tamed by the Indians of the Southwest, rediscovered by today’s horse lover, made a star on the “Silver Screen” and exhibited at horse shows throughout the world. Palomino horses are found among the finest bloodlines of breeds; their appeal is international.
The Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) was originally formed in California around the late 1930s, by a group of horsemen and horsewomen who had a passion for the golden horse. PHBA was incorporated in Los Angeles County, California, on June 25, 1941, as a member-owned, non-profit organization for the purpose of registering and improving the breeding of Palomino Horses.
On October 23, 1946, PHBA was incorporated in Palo Pinto County, Mineral Wells, TX. The international headquarters was located there until December 31, 1984. Relocated in 1985, PHBA is now on the heavily traveled Interstate 44 in a 7,000 square feet building on the northeast side of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Purpose of PHBA
This Association was organized for the purpose of providing for the registration, preservation of purity of blood, and improvement in breeding of Palomino horses; and to keep, maintain, and publish in a suitable form the history, record and pedigree thereof.
PHBA maintains computerized records of registrations, transfers of ownership, and the halter, performance and race records of Palomino horses. Approximately six employees keep records on over 71,000 horses and 87,000 horse owners, over 135,500 horse show entries and at nearly six hundred horse shows.
Palomino Horses Magazine and the PHBA Rule Book are the official publications of this Association.
Palomino Horses Magazine contains horse show schedules, horse show results, monthly standings by class, feature stories about Palomino horses and their owners and exhibitors, announcements, decisions reached at the National Convention and Board of Directors meeting, rule changes, outcome of the World Championship Horse Show, Horse Sale and Youth World Championship Horse Show and other articles.
PHBA has a network of over forty Affiliate Palomino Associations (APA). These APAs link the member to the PHBA on a state or regional level. APAs host horse shows, fund raising projects, clinics, futurities, and family activities. Many horse people are recognizing the benefits of having their horse “double registered.” The opportunities for marketing, participating and return on your investment are twofold.
The modern day Palomino Horse has a legacy to follow and a promise to fulfill. This golden horse, who was the choice of ancient emperors, kings and queens, the beloved steed in Greek mythology, the subject of artists’ canvas, the pride of Queen Isabella’s Spanish court, the treasured mount of ancient tribes and companion of the Conquistadors, is still with us today. He was tamed by the Indians of the Southwest, rediscovered by today’s horse lover, made a star on the “Silver Screen” and exhibited at horse shows throughout the world. Palomino horses are found among the finest bloodlines of breeds; their appeal is international.