Since the announcement of the 2020 PHBA Convention cancellation, the PHBA Executive Board, PHBA staff and PHBA Past Presidents have been developing a plan that will allow the Association to move forward. It has been decided, according to PHBA By-Laws, that the current Executive Board and Amateur Executive Board will remain in place until the next National Convention and that all rule change proposals will be held until the next National Convention.
The current 2020 rule book will continue after December 31, 2020 to be the 2021 rulebook. This rulebook may be found on the PHBA website.
We had a large group register to attend the 2020 Convention and there will be a form emailed to each person that paid convention registration fees. This form will allow the member to choose to receive a refund of their registration fee or to donate that fee to PHBA to help cover cancelation and general expenses incurred. The form will need to be signed and returned to the PHBA office on or before May 4, 2020 and any refund checks will be mailed on May 8, 2020.
The website will be updated regularly with any new information and we will utilize social media as well as direct email to keep in communication with the membership.
With respect to APA shows during the pandemic, the decision for APA’s to move forward with or cancel any sanctioned (weekend) shows would rest with the specific teams that manage those shows. PHBA feel that these individuals would best know the conditions in their particular area. PHBA encourages those management teams to have a plan in place and to stay in close contact with local health authorities to keep everyone safe. Rest assured the EB is working on a solution for any APA that has paid show approval fees and are forced to postpone or cancel because of health concerns and restrictions by local, state and federal government. More information will be forthcoming. Please make sure that if you are forced to cancel or postpone an APA show that you contact the PHBA office and all judges/staff that have been hired in a timely manner.
Stay safe and be blessed!
Lowanda McDowell
2019-2021 PHBA President