500. General. Only Palomino horses meeting the color, conformation, breeding and other requirements hereinafter specified may be registered with PHBA.
501. Membership Requirements.
A. The horse owner or owners must have a current membership(s) in PHBA before registering a horse;
B. The owner or owners of a horse must have a membership in the exact name, or partnership name, or corporation, or ranch as it is to appear on the PHBA registration certificate in order for the horse to be registered;
C. If the name of the owner or owners is not the same as that recorded on the recognized breed association’s registration certificate, PHBA may require the owner or owners to provide satisfactory proof of ownership;
D. The horse owner can pay a non member fee instead of a membership;
E. Refer to Rule(s) 1-12.
502. Conformation. To be eligible for registration, a Palomino must show refinement of head, bone, and general structure appropriate to the breeds recognized by PHBA, and be suitable for carrying western or English equipment. The horse must be between fourteen (14) and seventeen (17) hands when fully matured and must show no pony or draft horse characteristics. Exception to height limits will be made for those horses that hold registration papers from a PHBA recognized breed association.
503. Palomino Color Characteristics.
A. The ideal body coat color is approximately the color of a United States gold coin;
B. The following body color traits are not acceptable:
1) A brown or black dorsal stripe along the spine;
2) Alternating bands of lighter and darker hairs running around the legs (zebra stripes) or across the withers (wither or neck stripes);
3) This includes spotting and or coat characteristics typical of paints, pintos, appaloosas and cremellos or perlinos;
4) White hairs interspersed within the coat associated with grey.
504. Skin Color. The skin must be dark colored (grey, black, brown, motlted) without pink spots wherever it shows around the nose and eyes, under the tail, and between the hind legs, except for skin on the face which may be pink where it is a continuation of a white marking.
A. EXCEPTION: Horses also registered with the American Saddlebred Horse Association may have skin color of any shade.
505. Iris of Eyes. The eyes may be black, brown, blue or hazel irises.
A. A horse with blue, glass or partial blue eyes must have eye color reported on the recognized breed association’s registration certificate. The eyes may be different colors;
B. A horse with unknown bloodline may have blue, glass or partial blue eyes if it is a gelding or spayed mare.
506. Mane and Tail. The mane and tail must be a minimum of seventy-five (75%) percent white, and may have no more than twenty-five (25%) percent black, sorrel, chestnut or off colored hair in either. Mane and tail may not be altered in any manor to appear whiter for registration purposes.
507. Photographs. The owner must supply four (4) color photographs as stated in Rule 557. Photographs.
512. White Markings.
A. Palomino Horses may be eligible for registration provided the white markings and pink skin underlying the white markings do not extend beyond the lines described as follows:
1) A line parallel with the ground drawn around the front leg at the point of the elbow.
2) A line parallel with the ground drawn around the gaskin on the hind legs.
3) A line around the horse’s neck immediately behind the poll and through the midpoint of the throat latch;
4) Within an area described as cumulative four inch spot on either side of the ventral midline, beginning at the point midway between the front legs and extending to, and including the sheath and udder;
5) Additionally, there is allowed areas of white marking with underlying light skin, such that it can be completely covered with a disk four inch in diameter, either free standing, or being a portion of white marking extending past the above prescribed lines.
B. When a registration application shows the horse to be registered which has white markings beyond the prescribed lines, excessive white markings or white spot or spots, pictures of the horse shall be required and the horse may be inspected before its eligibility is determined and the application is processed.
C. The registration certificate of any horse having white markings beyond the prescribed lines, excessive white markings, or spot(s) may be subject to cancellation where the registration application fails to indicate or misrepresents the horse’s actual markings.
D. Once registered, should a horse develop such marking conditions, the registration may be revoked. In determining eligibility for registration or revocation of registration, the burden lies with the registration applicant. Absence of reproductive capabilities as a gelding or a spayed mare shall not lessen the standard by which the horse’s markings are evaluated. Areas of white, pink, or mottled skin located on the horse’s genitalia, including the sheath or udder, in the axillary region (armpits), or inside the hind legs including the inner surface of the hindquarters up to and including the ventral surface of the tail and which are not readily visible when the horse is in a standing position are not considered white markings as described in (A) above.
E. No horse is eligible for regular registration which possesses all three characteristics: light (or pink) skin over the body; white or cream-colored hair over the body; and eyes of a blush cast.
513. Misrepresentation of White Markings. The registration of any horse having white markings beyond the prescribed lines shall be subject to cancellation if the registration application or any other registration documentation fails to indicate, or misrepresents, the horse’s actual markings.
514. Additional Markings. The following color characteristics should be noted on the registration application:
A. Roan Patches. Patches of scattered white hair: Areas with white hair scattered through the basic body color and which do not have underlying light-colored skin;
B. Patches of darker-colored hair. Concentrated areas in which hair has a darker pigmentation than surrounding hair of its basic body color;
C. Dark Spots. Patches of dark hair (or basic body color) within white markings.
Eligible White Markings All Sexes
This diagram is an approximate illustration of eligible white markings, according to the Association’s rule. The actual provisions of the rule take precedence in its effect on a particular registration matter, as conformation of a particular horse does not, in each case, coincide with the dimensions of this diagram.
520. Additional requirements for registration of horses registered in recognized breed associations are as follows:
521. PHBA recognizes the following breed registries, relative to the registration of Palomino horses. Horses registered in these associations must meet the appropriate qualifications including but not limited to body coat, skin, mane, tail, and white markings as stated elsewhere in the Registration and Transfer Rules.
A. American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA)
B. American Paint Horse Association (APHA)
C. Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC)
D. American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA)
E. American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA)
F. American Holsteiner Horse Association (AHHA)
G. American Warmblood Society (AWS).
H. Andalusian and Lusitano Horse (IALHA)
I. Arabian Horse Association (AHA)
1) Arabian Horse Registry (AHR)
2) International Arabian Horse Association (IAHA)
J. International Morab Registry (IMR)
K. Jockey Club (JC)
L. Mountain Pleasure Horse Association (MPHA)
M. Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association (MFTHBA)
N. Pinto Horse Association of America (PtHA) Horse Division Only, both sire and dam must be currently registered with a breed association recognized by PHBA.
O. Rocky Mountain Horse Association (RMHA)
P. United Quarab Registry (UQR)
Q. Racking Horse Breeders’ Association of America (RHBAA)
522. Documents required before application can be considered for registration for above mentioned breeds:
A. Membership or non member fees;
B. Completed registration application;
C. Appropriate fees;
D. Photocopy of front and back of recognized association registration certificate. This document may be submitted at a later time, however, is required before registration application is considered complete;
528. If a Palomino stallion, mare or gelding is not eligible for registration with one of the recognized breed associations listed above, it may be considered for registration in PHBA.
529. The ancestry or bloodline of these horses must be verified in fact. Methods of verifying facts should include, but not be limited to, breeder certificates, stallion breeding reports, and methods through genetic testing via PHBA recognized laboratories.
A. Its sire and dam are registered in PHBA. The horse shall meet all previously mentioned registration requirements;
B. One parent is registered in PHBA and the other parent is registered in one of the recognized breed associations. The horse shall meet all previously mentioned registration requirements;
C. Its sire and dam are palomino, then both sire and dam must be registered with PHBA. The horse shall meet all previously mentioned registration requirements.
530. The owner must supply four (4) color photographs (front, back, and each side of the horse). These pictures become the property of PHBA.
531. PHBA reserves the right to require the horse pass inspection prior to registration.
532. All documents, specimens, photographs, etc. become property of PHBA.
533. To be designated in the stock type division a horse must have two (2) recognized stock type parents. (I.e. AQHA, APHA, ApHC, and/or Jockey Club).
A. Sire and Dam can be registered with AQHA and ½ Arab I.A. horse.
539. DNA Additional Eligible Horses
A. If a Palomino stallion, mare or gelding is not eligible for registration with one of the recognized breed associations listed above, it may be considered for registration in PHBA;
B. The ancestry or bloodline of these horses must be verified in fact. Methods of verifying facts should include, but not be limited to, breeder certificates, stallion breeding reports, and methods through genetic testing via PHBA recognized laboratories;
C. Its sire and dam are registered with a recognized breed association, but neither is Palomino in color;
D. The owner must supply four (4) color photographs (front, back, and each side of the horse). These pictures become the property of PHBA;
E. PHBA reserves the right to require the horse pass inspection prior to registration;
F. All documents, specimens, photographs, etc. become property of PHBA;
G. To be designated in the stock type division a horse must have two (2) recognized stock type parents. (I.e. AQHA, APHA, ApHC, and/or Jockey Club).
H. A DNA laboratory report required by an affiliated registry may be accepted in lieu of a new DNA test. A certified copy, from a testing laboratory must be provided with the application.
545. If a Palomino horse is not eligible for registration with one of the recognized breed associations listed above, it may be considered for registration strictly on color characteristics for the body, skin, eyes, markings and mane and tail.
546. The ancestry or bloodline of these horses will not be shown on the registration certificate, unless it can be verified in fact. Methods of verifying facts should include, but not be limited to, recognized breeds breeders certificates, stallion breeding reports, and methods through genetic testing via PHBA recognized laboratories.
547. Its sire or dam is pinto or cremello or perlino may be registered. Pedigree on the certificate of registration will reflect only recognized breed associations sires and dams, if it can be verified in fact.
548. The owner must supply four (4) color photographs (front, back, and each side of the horse). These pictures become the property of PHBA.
549. PHBA reserves the right to require the horse pass inspection and/or DNA type prior to registration.
550. All documents, specimens, photographs, etc. become property of PHBA.
551. Palomino Bred (PB) is a horse of any color and may exhibit any characteristics (such as, but not limited to, Paint, Appaloosa), that cannot meet the PHBA registration guidelines as stated in the current year PHBA Official Handbook, Rules 503-512. A PB must also be produced from the breeding of at least one PHBA registered parent (not including the PB registry), and the other parent is required to be from the list of PHBA recognized breed registries.
A. Offspring from an unregistered (not registered with a recognized breed association) PHBA parent, are not eligible for registry in the Palomino Bred registry, unless parentage can be verified in fact by listed above by Rule 546.
552. Horse must meet conformation requirements for registry as outlined in Rule 502.
553. Horse can be registered with any breed registry recognized by PHBA.
554. Its sire and/or dam are registered in PHBA.
A. One parent is registered in PHBA and the other parent is registered in one of the recognized breed associations. The horse shall meet all previously mentioned registration requirements;
B. Hardship Clause: The owner of an eligible non-palomino horse, whose palomino parent (must meet PHBA registration guidelines) is not registered with PHBA, may seek registration if his/her horse using one of the following options.
1) Living palomino parent: The owner of the eligible non-palomino horse, may purchase one annual membership of the owner of the parent horse and the registration of the parent horses (must meet PHBA registration guidelines), if the parent horse’s owner is agreeable via letter documentation.
a) Copies of recognized breed association paper(s) stating palomino color and
b) Pictures of parent horse as stated in Rule 557.
2) Deceased palomino parent: documentation of registration in a PHBA recognized breed, deceased and color must be provided stating such. Appropriate fees must accompany documentation for registering applicant.
555. The owner may be asked to supply four (4) color photographs (front, back, and each side of the horse). These pictures become the property of PHBA.
556. All documents, specimens, photographs, etc. become property of PHBA.
557. Horses with a Palomino base coat and other qualifying characteristics as required in Rule(s) 503-506 but are ineligible for regular registration due to excessive body white as outlined in Rule(s) 503. B 3 and Rule 512 A-E may be eligible for Palomino Bred registration under this clause, regardless of sire/dam color when both sire and dam are ineligible for regular registry. Registration requirements for Additional Eligible Palomino Bred registry that must be met are Rule(s) 521, 552, 553, 555 and 556.
507. Photographs
A. Current color photographs are required by PHBA. Photographs should include one of each side showing body, head and all of the legs, a direct face view showing front of body and all of the front legs, rear view showing body and all of the two hind legs;
B. Additional photographs may be submitted to show the horse’s head only if white markings could be questionable;
C. PHBA may require the horse to be clipped or wet down with water to determine the white markings in the photographs;
D. Photographs may need to include the PHBA color circle which is available from PHBA;
E. Scars and/or brands should have close up photographs taken and forwarded to PHBA;
F. Photographs become the property of PHBA and will not be returned;
G. Photographs should be either 35 mm, computer generated or digital. Disposable camera film should be 35 mm;
H. Self developing photographs such as polaroids are not recommended;
I. The approximate size of the photographs should be approximately 4”x 6”;
J. All photographs should be labeled on the back with the horse’s name, sex, foal date and dam’s and sire’s name.
562. Alterations or Misrepresentation. Any person who knowingly signs a registration or transfer that has been altered, does not represent a true transaction, or which contains any material misrepresentation, may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
563. Applicants are responsible for knowledge of all registration rules and regulations.
A. Registration of a horse with the PHBA is based and predicated upon agreement, acceptance and consent of the applicant that the final decision on all registrations matters and the final interpretation of all rules contained from time to time in this rulebook shall be made by the Executive Board or an authorized committee thereof and that the decisions and interpretations of the Executive Board or authorized committee shall be binding on all parties;
B. Registration eligibility for all horses is predicated on information supplied and forwarded to the PHBA on official application forms and from required photographs or other documentation. The burden of proving eligibility for registration of any horse rests with the applicant.
C. As the above specified party or parties have the burden of persuasion, by failure to present relevant evidence concerning such questions to PHBA or at a hearing scheduled to resolve the question, they shall be deemed to have waived their right to later present such evidence to a court of law, if they seek judicial review of PHBA’s action.
564. Cooperation. PHBA expressly reserves the right to order any of, but not limited to, the following: inspection, photographs, documents, specimen, veterinarian statements of spaying or gelding, substance, or methods through genetic testing via PHBA recognized laboratories of any horse currently registered by the Association or any horse making application for registration to the Association to ensure conformance with the rules and regulations as set forth in the Official Handbook of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America. Documents and photographs are property of PHBA.
565. Authorized Signature(s).
A. On registration and transfer forms, PHBA shall recognize the signature of any one of the joint owners of a horse if such owner is named on the horse’s current registration certificate or registration application. Additionally, PHBA shall recognize the signature of any partner when a partnership is a recorded owner. If such recognition is not to be permitted, or is to be limited otherwise, the joint owners or partnership shall file with PHBA a written agreement to that effect specifying horse’s name and registration number and signed by all such joint owners or all partners;
B. When written authorization (on a form furnished by PHBA upon request) has been filed with PHBA, the Association will accept the signature of such authorized individual as sufficient to complete the recording of the transfer or registration. The written authorization must be signed both by the recorded owner of the horse specified in such authorization and the person being authorized to sign a transfer or registration application;
C. In the case of a minor younger than 18 years of age, PHBA may require a statement from the legal guardian or parent giving the birth date of the child and designating the person(s) signing on behalf of the minor;
D. When the owner of a horse is deceased, PHBA may request documentation of file appointing the agent or representative for the estate (letters testamentary, letter of administration, etc.) and bearing the original certification or seal of clerk or the probate court. In the event there was not formal probate of the estate and affidavit of heirship forms are available from PHBA at no charge;
E. Authorization of agent may be canceled by written notification signed by record of owner or record lessee. Such termination of authorization will take effect on the date received at PHBA;
F. Ownership name change due to Marriage or Divorce. Items required are as follows:
1) Copy of Birth Certificate;
2) Copy of Divorce decree or legal document showing ownership
3) Copy of Marriage License;
566. Naming of A Horse. The name of the horse(s) as recorded on the recognized breed association registration certificate shall be the applied for name on the application in order for the horse to be registered. The name of a horse(s) without a registration certificate with a recognized breed association shall not exceed twenty-five (25) characters which includes spaces. Roman numerals, Arabic numerals, and punctuation marks are only permitted if they are allowed by the recognized breed association.
567. Name Change. A name cannot be changed once a horse has earned PHBA points or has sired or produced a registered foal. With the exception of a horse’s name being changed with a recognized breed association or if the change does not comply with Rule 566.
568. Age of Horse. The age of a horse shall be computed on the basis of a calendar year starting on January 1 of the year foaled, regardless of the time of year in which the horse is foaled.
569. Scars, Brands, Tattoos. All scars, brands and tattoos appearing on a horse should be reported on the application for registration. Registration certificates will be corrected at no charge for horses receiving identifying marks at a later date. PHBA will forward a copy of the correction request to the related breed association for their records.
570. Gelded or Spayed Notation. When a horse is gelded or a mare is spayed, the animal’s registration certificate and a statement from the owner of record indicating the date on which the horse was gelded or spayed, should be promptly sent to PHBA. An appropriate notation will be made in the PHBA records and on the registration certificate which will then be returned to the owner with no charge.
571. Methods of Conception such as but not limited to Embryo transfer, Oocyte transfer, Cooled Transported Semen, Frozen Semen, Artificial Insemination. A horse registered with one of the recognized breed associations, which is conceived by that breeds accepted methods, and complies with PHBA registration rules may be eligible for registration with PHBA.
572. Stableman’s Lien. In order for the PHBA to recognize a stableman’s lien foreclosure and record the resulting new ownership, the following but not limited to items may be required:
A. Affidavit in the setting forth the factual basis creating the lien;
B. Copy of the statutes relating to the creation and foreclosure of a stableman’s lien;
C. Documentary evidence, satisfactory to the PHBA, evidencing that each element of the stableman’s lien statute and foreclosure procedure has been satisfied;
D. Indemnity agreement as prescribed by PHBA;
E. Any documentation such as photographs, specimens, DNA verification may be required by PHBA.
573. Genetics Defects. The conditions listed below and commonly considered undesirable traits or genetics defects shall be indicated on the registration certificate for horses foaled on or after the indicated date, once the condition is known. One or more of these conditions does not prevent a horse from being used as breeding stock or from participating in PHBA approved events, but subject to rules of the individual event.
574. Overshot or Undershot (Parrot Mouth). Either overshot or undershot and is defined by the American Association of Equine Practitioners as “no occlusal contact between the upper and lower central incisors” effective for foals born on or after January 1, 1997.
575. Cryptorchid. Horse with less than two visible testicles descended into the scrotum. Designation effective for foals born on or after January 1, 1997.
576. Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis. Hyperkalemic Period Paralysis (HYPP) designation effective for foals born on or after January 1, 1998. A muscular disease caused by a hereditary genetic defect that leads to uncontrolled muscle twitching or profound muscle weakness, and in severe causes, may lead to collapse and/or death. According to research, this condition exists in certain descendants of the stallion Impressive (AQHA registration number 0767246).
A. Voluntary Testing for HYPP. Any foals tracing to bloodlines known to carry the HYPP gene, shall not be required to be tested for HYPP. Any testing will be at the owner’s expense;
B. Such testing will not be necessary if the foal’s closest ancestors, tracing to the HYPP line, have been tested negative, and designated on their registration certificates. Foals will automatically be designated “N/N” on their registration certificate if parents tracing from HYPP line has tested negative;
C. The following are a list of notifications which shall be placed on registration certificates depending on the written submission of the laboratory report(s);
1) HYPP UNDISCLOSED, if test results have not be reported;
2) HYPP N/N indicating homozygous normal;
3) HYPP N/H indicating heterozygous for HYPP;
4) HYPP H/H indicating homozygous affected for HYPP.
D. A DNA laboratory report required by an affiliated registry may be accepted in lieu of a new DNA test. A certified copy, from a testing laboratory must be provided with the application.
579. Certificates of Registration. Certificates of Registration shall be issued by PHBA on horses that are found to be qualified as prescribed herein, provided such action is not prohibited by the operation of the provisions of any other rule, regulation, or By-Laws of PHBA.
580. Ownership of Certificate of Registration. Refer to Rule(s) 61.
581. Pedigree. Certificates of Registration shall indicate the pedigree of the horse for at least three generations, provided such information is shown on the application for registration or photocopy of a recognized breed association’s papers and/or copies of the sire and/or dam’s breed association papers showing extended pedigree or information obtained the recognized breed association’s website.
582. Change of Pedigree. Any change in the record of the pedigree of a Palomino shall be made by filing a corrected application.
583. Correction of a Registration certificate. Correction of a registration certificate will be done at no charge within thirty (30) days of issue.
A. Correction of an original PHBA registration certificate may be documented by a photocopy front and back of the corrected recognized breed association certificate of registration and/or photographs;
B. PHBA may require additional documentation, photographs or inspection in the event significant correction of the description of a horse is requested.
C. If the application for a corrected certificate contains a discrepancy that raises a question as to the identity of the horse, an inspection may be required.
D. Change of a certificate after thirty (30) days will result in a fee of $15.00.
584. Duplicate Certificate. Requests for a duplicate of a lost or stolen certificate shall be accompanied by an affidavit (notarize) form which can be obtained at no charge from PHBA.
A. Said affidavit shall state reason for duplicate, and shall be completed in its entirety and forwarded to PHBA along with appropriate fees, at which time a new certificate shall be issued;
B. PHBA may require four (4) full view photographs of the horse’s front, back and both complete side views;
C. In regard to involuntary transfers, including, but not limited to court judgments and stableman liens or security interest foreclosures, when it is proven to PHBA’s satisfaction that a previous owner is unavailable to verify via the affidavit the whereabouts of the original certificate or refuses to implement the court’s judgment by delivering the original certificate for transfer, at PHBA’s discretion, and in the interest of equity, requirement of affidavit of the record owner may be waived and current owner deemed eligible for a duplicate certificate.
585. Replacement Certificate. A replacement certificate is a new registration certificate issued when the original certificate is in existence but has been defaced or destroyed. When a registration certificate has been damaged, a replacement certificate will be issued upon receipt of the damaged certificate and the appropriate fees. Replacement Certificate fees are non-refundable.
A. When a certificate has been damaged, a duplicate certificate will be issued upon receipt of the damaged certificate and the appropriate fees.
586. Surrender of Certificate. When the owner of any registered animal disposes of that animal without papers, the owner shall notify PHBA of the fact and surrender the appropriate registration certificate to PHBA for proper notation.
A. Should an animal registered with PHBA develop characteristics that would deem the horse ineligible for registration (i.e. greying, develop appaloosa markings, etc.), the owner shall notify PHBA and surrender the appropriate registration certificate.
587. Deceased Horses. Upon the death of a registered horse, the certificate of registration shall be surrendered to PHBA within ninety (90) days from the date of death for cancellation and notation in the PHBA records. If the owner fails to surrender such certificate within the stipulated time, the certificate of registration shall be cancelled, and the owner may be subject to disciplinary action.
A. The cancelled registration certificate will be returned to the owner upon written request of the owner;
B. Pending registration horses that become deceased, the original application and supporting documentation will become property of PHBA. Half of the registration fee shall be returned to the applicant(s), providing all fees have been paid, and a copy of the veterinarian statement declaring that the horse is deceased is submitted to PHBA.
592. Mane Length. A horse may not be inspected and approved for registration while its mane is roached. The mane must be grown out enough to determine its color accurately.
593. Inspection Assignment. For registration applications where inspection is needed, PHBA will contact a PHBA inspector and will send the appropriate forms. An inspector should only inspect a horse at the request of PHBA, not the horse owner.
594. Collection of Inspection Fees. Prior to PHBA requesting an inspection of a horse, all appropriate applications and fees must have been submitted. When this has been done, PHBA will contact the inspector and forward the appropriate fee.
595. When a horse is inspected for any reason, the owner will pay PHBA an inspection fee prior to the inspection.
601. Inspectors Membership. All inspectors must be members of PHBA.
602. List of Inspectors. PHBA will maintain a current list of approved inspectors.
603. Annual Election of Inspectors. All inspectors shall be duly elected or appointed on an annual basis. It shall be the responsibility of each APA to annually submit to PHBA, on or before December 20th of the current year, a list of those persons who have been or desire to be inspectors in the state where there is an APA.
A. Inspectors shall not be approved by PHBA unless they have received APA approval. EXCEPTION: The PHBA Executive Board may select from the membership or any other person may be selected as an inspector.
604. Conflict of Interest. Inspectors shall not inspect for registration eligibility any horse(s) owned, bred, or sold by him/her. Neither shall s/he inspect a horse sired by a stallion or produced by a mare owned by him/her or in his/her charge, regardless of the ownership of the dam at the time of foaling. Nor shall s/he inspect a horse in which s/he has financial interest, either directly or indirectly. By affixing their signature to the application for registration of any horse, the inspector shall be deemed to have complied with all the above requirements.
605. Responsibility of Inspectors. The responsibility of the inspector shall be to gather visual information about the horse for which registration is sought, not to determine the acceptance or rejection status. This information shall include the quality of the horse’s conformation and the conformity of the color to PHBA standards. Details of white markings and colors of the body coat, skin, eyes, and mane and tail should be included, but not limited to required notations. This information should be dated and signed and returned to PHBA by the inspector within twenty-one (21) days.
606. Inspectors transportation fee. Inspectors may charge air fare or transportation cost at thirty-one ($.31) cents per mile.
612. Rejected Horses. In case a horse is rejected for registration, the original application and supporting documentation will become the property of PHBA. Half of the registration fee accompanying a copy of the application shall be returned to the applicant(s), providing all fees have been paid.
613. Rejection Appeal. When an application has been acted upon adversely, an appeal may be made to the PHBA Board of Directors. The decision of said Board of Directors shall be final. PHBA shall have the authority to send a PHBA inspector to review information submitted and provide additional information.
614. Cancellation. In case a registration is requested to be cancelled, the original application and supporting documentation will become the property of PHBA. The fees are non refundable.
700. Membership Requirements.
A. The new horse owner or owners (buyers) must have a current membership(s) in PHBA before they transfer a horse;
B. The new horse owner or owners (buyers) must have a membership in the exact name, or partnership name, or corporation, or ranch as it is to appear on the PHBA registration certificate in order for the horse to be transferred;
C. If the name of the new owner or owners (buyers) is not the same as that recorded on the recognized breed association’s registration certificate, PHBA may require the new owner or owners to provide satisfactory proof of ownership;
D. The horse owner can pay a non member fee instead of a membership.
701. Record of Transfer. A record of all changes in ownership of registered horses shall be made. It shall be the duty of the seller of any horse to forward promptly the transfer application and original certificate of registration, along with the proper fees, directly to PHBA.
A. Skipped transfer is any transfer that has not been reported to PHBA prior to the current owner of the horse submitting their transfer. The skipped transfer fees are based on the date of sale.
702. Payment of the required fees. The payment of the required fees shall be a matter of private negotiations between the buyer and seller and may be paid by either party, but such fees and appropriate membership fees must be received prior to the completion of the transfer.
703. Transfer Application. The transfer application shall be filled out in its entirety before it is acceptable.
704. Date of Sale. The date of sale as given on the transfer shall be the date the buyer contracted for, or entered into agreement with the seller, for the purchase of the horse.
705. Photocopy of recognized breed association certificate. Photocopy of recognized breed association certificate. PHBA may request a photocopy of the front and back of the recognized breed association registration certificate reflecting ownership as applied for on the PHBA transfer application. This document may be submitted at a later time; however, it may be required before transfer application is considered complete. PHBA expressly reserves the right to request a copy of the breed association papers reflecting ownership including the following:
A. Transfer application ownership information has been altered
B. Transfer date has been altered
C. Skipped transfer
D. Horse file contains police report that horse has been stolen
E. Change of ownership has been ordered through legal action
F. Signature missing or altered
707. Alterations or Misrepresentation. The seller, who knowingly signs a transfer that has been altered, does not represent a true transaction, or which contains any material misrepresentation, may be subject to disciplinary procedures.
708. Cooperation. PHBA expressly reserves the right to order any of, but not limited to, the following: inspection, photographs, documents, specimen, veterinarian statements of spaying or gelding substance, or methods through genetic testing via PHBA recognized laboratories of any horse currently registered by the Association or any horse making application for registration to the Association to ensure conformance with the rules and regulations as set forth in the Official Handbook of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America. Documents and photographs are property of PHBA.
714. Cancellation. In case a transfer is requested to be cancelled, the original application, original certificate of registration and supporting documentation will become the property of PHBA. The fees are non refundable.
715. Rejected Horses. In case a horse is rejected for transfer, the original application and supporting documentation will become the property of PHBA. Half of the transfer fee accompanying a copy of the application shall be returned to the applicant(s), providing all fees have been paid.
720. Leases. For the lease of a horse to be recognized by PHBA, written notice shall be filed and the appropriate fee shall accompany the form. The notice shall provide the effective date, termination date, and shall be signed by the lessor and lessee. A properly completed transfer of ownership would automatically terminate the lease.