NYS Horsebreeders (5/26/17) Posted

Syracuse,   NY
Posted on: 05/26/17

Number of Judges in Circuit: 4


MAY 26, 2017 - 15 HORSES - 121 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Geldings All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
3rd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Color All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
4th Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Performance Geldings - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Hunter In Hand - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
4th Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Sr Western Pleasure - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Western Parade Equipment - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
3rd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Trail All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st For My Heart Only Madison Bernhardt Clayton, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Sierra Hoeffner Red Creek, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Yth Hunter In Hand - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Fairly Fine Legacy Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Yth Performance Gelding - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Y Showmanship 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - Y Hunt Seat Equit 18&u - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Gelding All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Performance Geldings - 2 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Color - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Hunter In Hand - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Western Horsemanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
MICHAEL "MIKE" BEDNAREK - A 50+ Showmanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY

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MAY 26, 2017 - 15 HORSES - 121 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
NELL TEKAMPE - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Geldings All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
3rd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Color All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
4th The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Performance Geldings - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Hunter In Hand - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
4th Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Sr Western Pleasure - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Western Parade Equipment - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Trail All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd For My Heart Only Madison Bernhardt Clayton, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Sierra Hoeffner Red Creek, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Yth Hunter In Hand - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Yth Performance Gelding - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - Y Showmanship 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
2nd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
3rd Jac Royal Colors Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Gelding All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Performance Geldings - 2 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Color - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Hunter In Hand - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Western Horsemanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
NELL TEKAMPE - A 50+ Showmanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY


MAY 26, 2017 - 15 HORSES - 121 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
SUSAN J BRAGG - Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Geldings All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
3rd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Color All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
4th Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Performance Geldings - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Hunter In Hand - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
4th Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Sr Western Pleasure - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Western Parade Equipment - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Trail All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Sr Hunter Under Saddle - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd For My Heart Only Madison Bernhardt Clayton, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Sierra Hoeffner Red Creek, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Yth Hunter In Hand - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Fairly Fine Legacy Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Yth Performance Gelding - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - Y Showmanship 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Victoria L Bunn Stittville, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Mares All Ages - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Gelding All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Performance Geldings - 2 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Color - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Hunter In Hand - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Western Horsemanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Hunter Under Saddle - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Docs Cute Blonde Lindsay Rogers Lafayette, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A Showmanship - 5 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
SUSAN J BRAGG - A 50+ Showmanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY


MAY 27, 2017 - 15 HORSES - 118 ENTRIES - CLASS "B"

Title Horses Name
MIKE BAKER - Sr Mares - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
MIKE BAKER - Sr Geldings - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
3rd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
MIKE BAKER - Color All Ages - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
3rd Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
4th First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MIKE BAKER - Performance Mares - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Rockin Command Elizabeth J Lazarou Sprakers, NY
MIKE BAKER - Performance Geldings - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
MIKE BAKER - Hunter In Hand - 7 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
4th Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - Sr Western Pleasure - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
2nd Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - Western Parade Equipment - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - Trail All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Victoria Anne Cole Fulton, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - Ranch Riding All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Docs Cute Blonde Lindsay Rogers Lafayette, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MIKE BAKER - Y Halter Mares All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Kaeden Rowland Adams Center, NY
3rd First Class Jag Sierra Hoeffner Red Creek, NY
MIKE BAKER - Y Halter Geldings All Ag - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd The Cool Yello One Hailey Rogers Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - Y Color 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Elizabeth J Malinowski N Syracuse, NY
MIKE BAKER - Yth Hunter In Hand - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Elizabeth J Malinowski N Syracuse, NY
3rd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - Yth Performance Gelding - 1 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - Y Showmanship 18&u - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Fairly Fine Legacy Elizabeth J Malinowski N Syracuse, NY
2nd Jvf Blond Temptation Seth Whitney-wekar Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Mares All Ages - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Gelding All Ages - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Cluitions Impression Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Izzy Lookin Fine Kathryn G Johnston Phoenix, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Performance Geldings - 2 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
2nd Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Color - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jvf Blond Temptation Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
3rd First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Hunter In Hand - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
3rd Rir Copied In Gold Danelle M Diachuk Cicero, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Western Horsemanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Western Parade Horse - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Jac Royal Colors Shannon Whitney Adams Center, NY
2nd Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Trail - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Glowin Slow Marleen Y Cowie Perry, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Showmanship - 6 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY
3rd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
MIKE BAKER - A Ranch Riding - 4 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st First Class Jag Jacqueline M Hetterich Buffalo, NY
2nd Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
3rd Docs Cute Blonde Lindsay Rogers Lafayette, NY
MIKE BAKER - A 50+ Showmanship - 3 participants
Place Horses Name Exibitor/ Owner Location
1st Zippos Hot Blonde Suzanne E Sprague East Aurora, NY
2nd Fairly Fine Legacy Darlene A Lafave Baldwinsville, NY